
After just one day of having my tanks set up, the coconut coir medium has caused the water to turn yellow/brownish.  It seems that this issue is only an aesthetic problem, and does not affect the fish or the plants.  I did some research and saw recommendations of a charcoal filter to try and help the coloration, but I also read that the water will eventually clear out if left alone.  Using a drip line, I did a quarter tank water change which helped a bit.  I also added silk plants to the tank to give the fish somewhere to hide since I was told they like to have a private area for comfort.
I originally intended on growing the plants in clay pebbles but I knew I could not start them in the clay because the seeds would fall through.  I was also concerned about starting the seeds in one medium and transplanting them to another.  I previously used rock wool in my first small aquaponic tank but I don’t love the material so I decided using just coconut coir would be the best option. Hopefully the discoloration is the only problem the medium gives me!

Drip line

Tank before water change.

Tank after water change. 


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